Florida Statute 381.0056 requires that health screenings be conducted at various grade levels. Nurses from the St. Johns County School District, in conjunction with trained school personnel and volunteers, conduct the screenings. Screenings will be completed during the first semester of school. Below are the grade level screenings, along with the required grade levels for these screenings:
- Vision (distance only): Students in kindergarten, first and third
- Hearing: Students in kindergarten and first
- Height and Weight: Students in first and third
If a student DOES NOT PASS the vision or hearing screening, a referral letter/phone call will be sent home indicating that further examination and corrective measures are needed. Health screening information is confidential and the results are filed in each student’s cumulative folder.
Parents have the option to decline their child’s participation in the health screenings. Parents who do not wish their child to participate must complete the opt-out portion of the parent permission letter that is sent home prior to the screening.
If your child wears glasses, please make sure the student is wearing them the day of the screening.