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New Student Registration 2024-2025

Welcome to Registration & Attendance
Cunningham Creek Elementary!

8:25am – 2:45 pm
Early Release Wednesdays:
8:25am – 1:45pm

Absences from School

If your child is absent from school, a parent/guardian must submit a note within 48 hours for the absence to be considered excused via the attendance link above.
Phone calls will not be accepted.

How to Enroll Your Child in School

Early registration for the 2025-2026 school year will begin on March 1. Early registration is only for children new to the school district, including those entering kindergarten.  Kindergarten Screening dates will be announced soon.

All students must register at their home-zoned school. The school district Attendance Zone Locator will identify the correct school.

Student Registration information

Student registration is online only.  The registration button is provided to the right under Online Registration.

Very important! -For first time enrollment into SJCSD schools, required items to complete your child’s registration are listed below.

  1. Complete Online Registration.
  2. Three proofs of residency (Mortgage Statement/Deed/Lease Agreement, One utility bill, and One additional bill)ID for identification purposes
  3. Original Birth Certificate
  4. Completed Florida immunization form 680 (out of state immunizations must be transferred to FL form)
  5. Physical dated within a year prior to date of registration.
  6. After registration is received, you will be contacted via email by the registrar if any other items are needed. If you have questions or need to provide any documentation that you were not able to attach online, please send via email to [email protected]

We look forward to meeting the newest members of our Cardinal family!

Dismissal Changes

 Transportation Change link above must be completed prior to 1:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and/or Friday.
Prior to 12:30pm on Wednesdays

                                                                          We do not take handwritten submissions or emails to teachers.