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Kindergarten thru 5th Grade Only

Extended Day Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on April 7, 2025 





General Information

The Extended Day program is a service provided to the community in conjunction with the Saint Johns County School District.  This service is to provide care for children who attend Cunningham Creek Elementary while parents are at work both before and after school.  This program is available to children in grades K-5th.

Our Mission

We provide child care services for both before and after school at Cunningham Creek Elementary.  It is our mission that while your child/children are here, they are in a safe and fun environment.  We allow time for homework, outdoor play, and a variety of other activities done while inside.  These activities range from board games, arts and crafts, and ball equipment.  We will occasionally watch a movie on days where it is gloomy and gray. We hope that you will allow us the opportunity to care for your child/children.  We’d love to create memories for them here at Cunningham Creek Extended Day.


CCES offers enrichment activities to all who are interested.  At the beginning of each year we select vendors to come to our school.  These vendors will offer additional classes in art enrichment, sport enrichment and other educational opportunities.  The classes often include but are not always limited to dance, lego building, art and pottery classes, science,  karate, golf, piano lessons, and acting  The vendors and class types will vary year to year depending on the vendor’s schedule and availability of space with in our school.  These classes are considered “specialized classes” , so they do charge an additional fee, which is paid directly to the vendor.  You do not have to be in Extended Day to participate in these Activities.  However, if your child(ren) are not registered in Extended Day, there is a $25.00 annual registration fee that is paid to Extended Day that covers enrollment for the enrichment classes for the entire year (this is separate from any fees the vendors charge).  See the “Important Forms” tab to download the “Enrichment Only” form and send it in with the $25.00 check made payable to CCE (*memo Ext Day -Enrich Only and Child(ren)s name(s)).